Since the beginning of informal settlement, the phenomenon in itself has a seal: its own expression for self-organizing, self-producing and self-acting towards its habitat. Proper expression which has been “acquired” through the incessant replica of positive experiences in housing implant achievements; this means that the culture to constitute formality through informality has been informed over time through experimental and oral tradition which has been raw material so the settlements of informal origin would reproduce indistinctly as they are repeated one after the other with the proper variable of environmental conditions of place and idiosyncrasy of the social actors performing processes. What starts as a simple location of a group of spaces sparsely habitable, little by little is transformed in an “ordered structure” established from the previous knowledge of the formal urban thread and the community’s intuition to take advantage in the best way of conditions of location, geographical and topographical. Because of this, settlements of informal origin are not orthogonal, nor rectilinear but most of the time, embrittled and tortuous, pretending to make a copy of established urban models with a start site but without any specific ending point.
Despite logical reasoning and praxis along informal urban processes, some environmental impact coming from implanting spatial sets characterized by the non-concurrence of urbanistic norms are, in some cases, inevitable, as well as it is a deficit in the access and cover of public services and the use of inadequate soil for building; this respects contribute to low appropriate interventions in the geographic context of the housing location.
Despite logical reasoning and praxis along informal urban processes, some environmental impact coming from implanting spatial sets characterized by the non-concurrence of urbanistic norms are, in some cases, inevitable, as well as it is a deficit in the access and cover of public services and the use of inadequate soil for building; this respects contribute to low appropriate interventions in the geographic context of the housing location.
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